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Urban Planner Salary

How much does a Urban Planner earn across different locations, education levels, & career stages?

Urban Planners are the visionaries behind sustainable cities. They design spaces that balance growth with environmental care, from bike lanes to green parks. For example, some cities have reduced traffic congestion by 30% through smart planning. Want to see how cities are evolving? Here’s a cool article from The Guardian. It’s exciting to see urban spaces becoming greener. They’re also integrating smart technology to make cities more efficient and livable. It’s all about creating communities where people and nature thrive together.

Average base salary

**This data is based on the salaries of jobs we post and is updated every five months.**
 Entry - Senior
(50000 - 100000)
(60000 - 140000)
(600000 - 1500000)
(40000 - 80000)

Min. Qualifications

Master’s degree in Urban Planning or related field; 3+ years of experience